Pick Up!!


「Black & White/ブラック & ホワイト」の映画予告でリスニング

Black & White/ブラック & ホワイトで英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-You’re my best friend. I trust you.

-I know that you would take a bullet for me. I would for you as well.

-What were you doing on the computer?

-Looking at a photograph of my girl.

-I was just doing the same thing. You want to see her?

-On three 1-2-3.




-I feel weird about dating two guys at once.

-You think Gloria Steinem got arrested and sat in a jail cell so you could act like a little bitch?

-I think I’m going to hell.

-Get out there! You get flexible.

-You know what? You date her.

-Besides, the fact if I got in the picture, it wouldn’t even be fair.

-I’m sorry. What does that mean?

-I think we should lay down some ground rules.

-I think we should.

-I don’t think we should tell her that we know each other.

-Let’s stay out of each others way.

-Just let her decide.

-May the best man win.

-This is a live operation, it’s a full wrap and tap, boys.

-I want you to follow agent Hansen.

-Don’t let your country down, boys.

-This has been the perfect night.

-Make it rain.

-I’ll be right back.


-Have you ever killed anybody with your bare hands?

-Not this week.

-Tuck, this is my friend.

-Okay, you can do this. They’ll probably just shake hands.

-I think I’m gonna pass out.

-I’m available to have sex with both of those guys, just to test off and see who comes back a winner.

-Why is she listening to that old man?

-I have no idea.

-I think my triggering mechanism was stuck.


-Oh my god.


lay down・・・策定する、制定する
ground rule・・・基本原則
may the~・・・~でありますように
make it rain・・・札束をまき散らす
bare hand・・・素手

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