-Mr. Gatsby, I’d like to know exactly who are you anyhow?
-Can’t you see who this guy is?
-His house, his parties, his fancy clothes.
-We were born different from you.
-It’s in our blood
-Nothing that you do, or dream up, can ever change that.
-Gatsby. He had a grand vision for his life since he was a boy.
-I want to fix things just the way they were before. Just you an me.
-No amount of fire could challenge the fairy tale he had stored up in his heart.
-Is all this made entirely from your own imagination?
-But I had the uneasy feeling that he was guarding secrets.
-I wish I had done everything on earth with you.
-I don’t want to go home.
-They don’t.
-It had gone beyond her.
-It had gone beyond everything.
-Something outta be done about a fella like that.
-My life – my life has got to be like this.
-It’s got to keep going on.
-Can’t you see who this guy is?
-His house, his parties, his fancy clothes.
-We were born different from you.
-It’s in our blood
-Nothing that you do, or dream up, can ever change that.
-Gatsby. He had a grand vision for his life since he was a boy.
-I want to fix things just the way they were before. Just you an me.
-No amount of fire could challenge the fairy tale he had stored up in his heart.
-Is all this made entirely from your own imagination?
-But I had the uneasy feeling that he was guarding secrets.
-I wish I had done everything on earth with you.
-I don’t want to go home.
-They don’t.
-It had gone beyond her.
-It had gone beyond everything.
-Something outta be done about a fella like that.
-My life – my life has got to be like this.
-It’s got to keep going on.
dream up・・・考え付く、思いつく
fairy tale・・・作り話、おとぎ話
store up・・・蓄える、保存する
fella = fellow・・・同士、仲間
outta = out of
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