-My name is Jordan Belfort
-The year I turned 26 I made $49 million…which really pissed me off because it was three shy of 1 million a week.
-We’re making a name for ourselves.
-Nobody knows if stock is gonna go up, down, sideways or in circles…
-Do you know what a fugazi is?
-Well, fugazi, it’s a fake?
-A fugazi, fogazzi it’s a wazzi, it’s a woozie it’s a…fairy dust!
-Was all this legal? Absolutely not. We were makin’ more money than we know what to do with.
-We don’t work for you man!
-You have my money’s taped to your boobs, technically you do work for me.
-What’s wrong Daddy?
-Oh my God!
-Any kind of booze you might want? The Bureau forbids us from drinking.
-How does this actually work?
-There’s a big money sign, they get launched…
-They stick.
-This is their gift, ok? They’re built to be thrown like a lawn dart.
-Stop! Safety first. Safety is first! I don’t wanna get a bad repuatiion.
-hmmm hmmm hmmm…
-The year I turned 26 I made $49 million…which really pissed me off because it was three shy of 1 million a week.
-We’re making a name for ourselves.
-Nobody knows if stock is gonna go up, down, sideways or in circles…
-Do you know what a fugazi is?
-Well, fugazi, it’s a fake?
-A fugazi, fogazzi it’s a wazzi, it’s a woozie it’s a…fairy dust!
-Was all this legal? Absolutely not. We were makin’ more money than we know what to do with.
-We don’t work for you man!
-You have my money’s taped to your boobs, technically you do work for me.
-What’s wrong Daddy?
-Oh my God!
-Any kind of booze you might want? The Bureau forbids us from drinking.
-How does this actually work?
-There’s a big money sign, they get launched…
-They stick.
-This is their gift, ok? They’re built to be thrown like a lawn dart.
-Stop! Safety first. Safety is first! I don’t wanna get a bad repuatiion.
-hmmm hmmm hmmm…

piss me off・・・頭にくる、むかつく
shy of・・・不足して、足りない
make a name for oneself・・・名声を得る、名前が売れる
lawn dart・・・ローンダーツ(ゲーム)
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