-Welcome to the world’s fastest sport…
-Where only the best of the best can be…
-Oh for cryin’ out loud!
-For the first time, we have a crop-duster in the race.
-Well he’s gonna die!
-Dusty, you’re going up against the best racers in the world.
-I’m afraid of heights!
-That airplane needs some help, you know that right?
-It ain’t how fast you fly, it’s how you fly fast.
-You can fly a whole lot higher than you think.
-He’s ready!
-Hey, look who made it, it’s Rusty.
-Dusty. Dusty Crophopper.
-Wow! You bulldog! Tally HO!
-Most people call me Ishani.
-We will have many adventures.
-We will laugh, we will cry, we will dance!
-Probably not with each other.
-Don’t let anything distract you.
-She is like a sunrise after a lifetime of darkness.
-Or like fresh fertilizer on a field of dying grass.
-This is not your thing my friend.
-We will enter, as little planes.
-But you’re a car?
-Serious identity issues.
-You think you can beat me?
-I swish my cape at you!
-You have been shamed.
-Go back to Jersey you bum.
-This is dusty crophopper. I’m caught in a storm!
-I’m going down!
-It’s a really compelling underdog story.
-Like old yeller!
-That’s not an underdog story!
-There’s dog in it.
-Oh man that’s nasty!
-Mayday! Mayday! Big castle! Roll right!
-I owe you my life.
-Are you crying?
-I don’t cry, I’m British!
-Where only the best of the best can be…
-Oh for cryin’ out loud!
-For the first time, we have a crop-duster in the race.
-Well he’s gonna die!
-Dusty, you’re going up against the best racers in the world.
-I’m afraid of heights!
-That airplane needs some help, you know that right?
-It ain’t how fast you fly, it’s how you fly fast.
-You can fly a whole lot higher than you think.
-He’s ready!
-Hey, look who made it, it’s Rusty.
-Dusty. Dusty Crophopper.
-Wow! You bulldog! Tally HO!
-Most people call me Ishani.
-We will have many adventures.
-We will laugh, we will cry, we will dance!
-Probably not with each other.
-Don’t let anything distract you.
-She is like a sunrise after a lifetime of darkness.
-Or like fresh fertilizer on a field of dying grass.
-This is not your thing my friend.
-We will enter, as little planes.
-But you’re a car?
-Serious identity issues.
-You think you can beat me?
-I swish my cape at you!
-You have been shamed.
-Go back to Jersey you bum.
-This is dusty crophopper. I’m caught in a storm!
-I’m going down!
-It’s a really compelling underdog story.
-Like old yeller!
-That’s not an underdog story!
-There’s dog in it.
-Oh man that’s nasty!
-Mayday! Mayday! Big castle! Roll right!
-I owe you my life.
-Are you crying?
-I don’t cry, I’m British!

cry out・・・叫ぶ、大声を上げる
"Old Yeller"・・・【映画】黄色い老犬
I owe you my life・・・あなたは命の恩人です
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