Pick Up!!




-Everyday you live your life…

-Make sure you come straight home tonight.

-Ordinary normal…

-You know your Mom, she gets like this sometimes…

-But there’s only so long you can hide from the truth.

-Why don’t we go in here?

-Clary! What is it?

-You didn’t see that?

-What are you looking at?

-What can I see you and no one else can?

-You’re not a mundane.

-What is a mundane?

-Someone from the human world.

-I’m not a human, than what am I?

-You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

-Mon, I’m coming home.

-No no no. You can’t home, you understand me? You don’t come home.



-I’ve been killing demons for over a third of my life.

-You killed two cops!

-They weren’t cops.

-I’ve been hunting demons across the world in their varying different forms.

-I don’t understand what any of this has to do with my mom.

-Your mother was a Shadow Hunter, like him

-Like you.

-There’s a map inside your head, Clary. You are the key to our survival.

-What is it about her?

-She’s different.

-She’s gonna get us all killed.

-What now?

-We need to pick up a few things.

-Clary? Wow! You look different.

-I, I can’t talk now, sorry.

-The world is ours to take.

-This is about more than us.

-Humanity is on the very brink of extinction.

-Jace thinks he needs to save the world…

-There’s too many of them!

-But you don’t need to encourage him to do it.

-Have a little faith.

-You have an incredible gift and we need you..I need you.

-The werewolves are here to save us.

-Never thought I’d say that.


come straight home・・・家にまっすぐ帰る
on the brink of extinction ・・・絶滅の危機にひんして
Have a little faith・・・人の言うことに少しは耳を貸しなさい

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