-Well we’ve got to decide on a title and it’s got to communicate what film’s about.
-Well it’s you, Alan Partridge, in a siege, at radio station, so…action, fun, tension, danger…
-Heavy kissing and dancing. -What are the titles again?
-Well stop me if you like one…
-The Norfolk Fracture?
-Gun Bird?
-Hectic Danger Day?
-Chap Of Steel?
-Colossal Velocity?
-Colossal Velocity?
-Colossal Velocity…Ov…Ov…What’s the one you liked?
-Alpha Papa.
-Well it’s radio alphabet for your initials and also…
-Alpha Papa is like…Top Daddy.
-You don’t think it sounds foreign? Alpha Papa!
-Yes, it does if you do it like that.
-Alan Partridge is Alpha Papa? In Alpha Papa?
-I don’t like that’s important.
-It’s just not grabbing me.
-I think if you ram it down people’s throats with the teaser trailer you’ll be fine.
-And have you at the end in extreme close-up…
-It’s starting!
-Hmm. I gotta say I’m leaning towards Colossal Velocity.
-It’s started!
-When’s it out?
-Don’t know don’t care.
-Well it’s you, Alan Partridge, in a siege, at radio station, so…action, fun, tension, danger…
-Heavy kissing and dancing. -What are the titles again?
-Well stop me if you like one…
-The Norfolk Fracture?
-Gun Bird?
-Hectic Danger Day?
-Chap Of Steel?
-Colossal Velocity?
-Colossal Velocity?
-Colossal Velocity…Ov…Ov…What’s the one you liked?
-Alpha Papa.
-Well it’s radio alphabet for your initials and also…
-Alpha Papa is like…Top Daddy.
-You don’t think it sounds foreign? Alpha Papa!
-Yes, it does if you do it like that.
-Alan Partridge is Alpha Papa? In Alpha Papa?
-I don’t like that’s important.
-It’s just not grabbing me.
-I think if you ram it down people’s throats with the teaser trailer you’ll be fine.
-And have you at the end in extreme close-up…
-It’s starting!
-Hmm. I gotta say I’m leaning towards Colossal Velocity.
-It’s started!
-When’s it out?
-Don’t know don’t care.
in a siege・・・包囲される
heavy kissing・・・激しいキス
ram~down someone's throat・・・~に無理やり押し付ける
lean toward・・・~に傾く
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