-How you doing? Llewyn Davis.
-Oh, hello!
-I’ve heard your music and heard many nice things about you from Jim and Jean and from others.
-You have not heard one nice thing about me from Jean.
-No, you don’t wanna go anywhere. That’s why all the same shit is going to keep happening to you, because you want it to.
-Is that why?
-Yes, and also because you’re an asshole!
-What did you say you played?
-Folk songs.
-Folk songs…I though you said you were a musician.
-Folk singer with a cat.
-It’s not my cat I just didn’t know what to do with it.
-Really? So, did you bring your dick along too?
-I should have you wear a double condoms.
-You should have had you wear a double condoms. You should be wearing condom on condom and then wrap it in electrical tape.
-I’m interested in gigging here.
-I’m gonna say something.
-You don’t wanna hear the record?
-Why should I? You’re here, play me something from inside Llewyn Davis.
-Oh, hello!
-I’ve heard your music and heard many nice things about you from Jim and Jean and from others.
-You have not heard one nice thing about me from Jean.
-No, you don’t wanna go anywhere. That’s why all the same shit is going to keep happening to you, because you want it to.
-Is that why?
-Yes, and also because you’re an asshole!
-What did you say you played?
-Folk songs.
-Folk songs…I though you said you were a musician.
-Folk singer with a cat.
-It’s not my cat I just didn’t know what to do with it.
-Really? So, did you bring your dick along too?
-I should have you wear a double condoms.
-You should have had you wear a double condoms. You should be wearing condom on condom and then wrap it in electrical tape.
-I’m interested in gigging here.
-I’m gonna say something.
-You don’t wanna hear the record?
-Why should I? You’re here, play me something from inside Llewyn Davis.
keep happening・・・起こり続ける
electrical tape・・・絶縁テープ
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