-Lincoln’s been shot.
-One bullet, may have killed our beloved president.
-But not one man!
-You are charged with having received and detained, harbored, aided, and assisted, John Wilkes Booth, John A Surrat, and their confederates, in traitorous and murderous conspiracy to kill Abraham Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William Sewel.
-How do you plead?
-I am innocent.
-Are you aware the trial of the conspirators begins today?
-And what are we to do?
-Defend one of the eight.
-Her son John is Booth’s right hand.
-Do you understand what you have been charged with?
-If I found guilty, you could hang?
-I am a southerner, and a devoted mother, but I am no assassin.
-Your son is the only one that got away.
-These are despicable people, the same sort that you risked your life fighting against.
-Someone must be held accountable, people want that.
-The military trial of civilians is an atrocity.
-No, what she did is an atrocity.
-To ensure the survival of this nation, I would do anything.
-You have to tell us where your son is.
-Who’s side are you on?
-I’m trying to defend you.
-You’re trying to save you.
-Were there ever meetings held at the boarding house? Many, and always is secret.
-You liar!
-My mother is innocent.
-I can’t rule what’s going on in that courtroom.
-You sat the rules, pick the judges, there is no limit to how far the prosecution is willing to go!
-That’s enough!
-You tell John Surrat unless he surrenders, his mother will be punished for his crimes.
-Have you ever cared for something greater than yourself?
-Our founding fathers drafted a constitution, precisely for times like this.
-All in favor?
-Do not permit this injustice out of revenge.
-One bullet, may have killed our beloved president.
-But not one man!
-You are charged with having received and detained, harbored, aided, and assisted, John Wilkes Booth, John A Surrat, and their confederates, in traitorous and murderous conspiracy to kill Abraham Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William Sewel.
-How do you plead?
-I am innocent.
-Are you aware the trial of the conspirators begins today?
-And what are we to do?
-Defend one of the eight.
-Her son John is Booth’s right hand.
-Do you understand what you have been charged with?
-If I found guilty, you could hang?
-I am a southerner, and a devoted mother, but I am no assassin.
-Your son is the only one that got away.
-These are despicable people, the same sort that you risked your life fighting against.
-Someone must be held accountable, people want that.
-The military trial of civilians is an atrocity.
-No, what she did is an atrocity.
-To ensure the survival of this nation, I would do anything.
-You have to tell us where your son is.
-Who’s side are you on?
-I’m trying to defend you.
-You’re trying to save you.
-Were there ever meetings held at the boarding house? Many, and always is secret.
-You liar!
-My mother is innocent.
-I can’t rule what’s going on in that courtroom.
-You sat the rules, pick the judges, there is no limit to how far the prosecution is willing to go!
-That’s enough!
-You tell John Surrat unless he surrenders, his mother will be punished for his crimes.
-Have you ever cared for something greater than yourself?
-Our founding fathers drafted a constitution, precisely for times like this.
-All in favor?
-Do not permit this injustice out of revenge.
charged with・・・~の嫌疑をかけられる
military trial・・・軍事裁判
boarding house・・・寄宿舎、宿泊施設
court room・・・法廷
draft a constitution ・・・憲法を起草する
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