-Michael, thank god!
-Look, I got a situation…
-Arthur Edens just stripped down naked in a deposition room in Milwaukee.
-You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You’re a legend.
-I’m an accomplice!
-You’re a manic depressive!
-I am Shiva the god of death.
-I’m Michael Clayton.
-You’re late.
-This is a three billion dollar class action lawsuit, the architect of our defense has been arrested for running naked through a parking lot.
-He’s building a case against U North.
-Nobody’s gonna let him do that.
-Let him? Who the hell’s gonna stop him?
-I spent 12 percent of my life defending the reputation of a deadly weed killer.
-No way. They killed him, Michael.
-U north needs to know he’s under control.
-They’ve been shook up, they need to be reassured.
-What are you telling me?
-That I am counting on you.
-He didn’t say exactly what it was, just that it was something that would win the whole case.
-I’m not the enemy.
-Then who are you?
-You got all these cops thinking you’re a lawyer and all these lawyers thinking you’re some kind of cop.
-You’ve got everybody fooled don’t you?
-You know exactly what you want.
-You’ve got to saddle up here Michael, and get things under control.
-Barker was on to something.
-Do you know Michael Clayton?
-We have a situation.
-Stay in the car, lock the door.
-What would they do if you went public?
-Arthur, open the door!
-What would they do?
-They’re doin’ it!
-Who called it in?
-Does that make sense to you? This happening?
-This never happened.
-Get out. Get out of the car now.
-I’m not the guy that you kill, I’m the guy that you buy.
-Are you so blind you do even see what I am?
-Do I look like I’m negotiating?
-Look, I got a situation…
-Arthur Edens just stripped down naked in a deposition room in Milwaukee.
-You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You’re a legend.
-I’m an accomplice!
-You’re a manic depressive!
-I am Shiva the god of death.
-I’m Michael Clayton.
-You’re late.
-This is a three billion dollar class action lawsuit, the architect of our defense has been arrested for running naked through a parking lot.
-He’s building a case against U North.
-Nobody’s gonna let him do that.
-Let him? Who the hell’s gonna stop him?
-I spent 12 percent of my life defending the reputation of a deadly weed killer.
-No way. They killed him, Michael.
-U north needs to know he’s under control.
-They’ve been shook up, they need to be reassured.
-What are you telling me?
-That I am counting on you.
-He didn’t say exactly what it was, just that it was something that would win the whole case.
-I’m not the enemy.
-Then who are you?
-You got all these cops thinking you’re a lawyer and all these lawyers thinking you’re some kind of cop.
-You’ve got everybody fooled don’t you?
-You know exactly what you want.
-You’ve got to saddle up here Michael, and get things under control.
-Barker was on to something.
-Do you know Michael Clayton?
-We have a situation.
-Stay in the car, lock the door.
-What would they do if you went public?
-Arthur, open the door!
-What would they do?
-They’re doin’ it!
-Who called it in?
-Does that make sense to you? This happening?
-This never happened.
-Get out. Get out of the car now.
-I’m not the guy that you kill, I’m the guy that you buy.
-Are you so blind you do even see what I am?
-Do I look like I’m negotiating?
strip down・・・服を脱ぐ
law firm・・・法律事務所
manic depressive・・・躁うつ病
class action suit・・・集団訴訟
build a case・・・立件する
killer weed・・・強力なマリファナ
saddle up・・・馬に鞍をつける
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