Pick Up!!


「マーリー 世界一おバカな犬が教えてくれたこと 」の映画予告でリスニング

マーリー 世界一おバカな犬が教えてくれたことの映画予告で英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-There’s nothing like the experience of raising your first dog.

-Of course that kid’s not even me.

-That’s me, and that crazy hound I’m chasing is Marley, the world’s worst dog.


-But our story begins before Marley was born.

-Dream house!

-Paint the Barney on the wall and you have great little playroom. You guys are going to have kids, right?


-You want my advice? Get her a puppy or something.

-I’ve never had a dog.

-There’s nothing to it. You walk him, you feed him, you let him out every now and again.

-This Christmas, get ready for a surprise.

-One, two, three…

-They’re adorable. Hi puppy.

-Marley, this is our house.

-And now it’s yours.

-Marley, you can’t go through a screen door.


-I think it’s just like a little kid, only furrier.

-That is not a dog, it’s evil with a dog face on.


-He ate the answering machine, then went back and had the phone for dessert.

-A dog can only have one master.

-Which one of you has the most authority in the relationship?

-Maybe I’ll stand over there for the beginning.

-I thought so.

-On December 25th, give your family the gift.

-It’s just beautiful.

-Well put it on.

-What did you do with it?

-Well it wouldn’t just disappear.

-..of Marley.

-Spit it out.

-Go into the kitchen. Go to the kitchen.

-Good boy.

-Oh honey, I don’t see it.

-Dr. Jay is going to send over a laxative.

-I think we need to find a new house.

-Whose dog is that?

-He may be the world’s worst dog…

-None of this was part of the plan.

-No, it wasn’t, but it’s so much better.


-…but the brings out the best in their family.

-A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor.

-Give him your heart, he’ll give you his.

-He’s making a break for it.


-There’s a ton of traffic!


every now and again ・・・時々
screen door・・・網戸
spit out・・・吐き出す

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