Pick Up!!


「スーパー・チューズデー 〜正義を売った日〜」の映画予告でリスニング

スーパー・チューズデー 〜正義を売った日〜の映画予告で英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-You okay?

-We’ll be fine. We have to do it. It’s the right thing to do, and noting bad happens when you’re doing the right thing.

-Is this your personal theory? Because I can shoot holes in it.

-Well, there’s exceptions to every rule.

-Who is this?

-Tom Duffy. You got a couple a minute? I’d like to sit down with you.

-I can’t be talking to you.

-You’ve got something the other guys don’t have. You exude something. You draw people in.

-You’re the big man on campus. I’m just the lowly intern.

-When time do you get out of work tomorrow?

-9 a.m.

-I thought I was being smooth and subtle.

-No, You’re pretty forward.

-You have no idea how to tile a tie.

-No, no not a clue.

-And you’ve got the best media mind in the business

-All the reporters love you.

-If your boy wins, you get a job in the White House.

-You lose this, you’re back at a consulting firm.

-I’ve worked on more campaigns than most people have by the time they’re 40.

-He’s the only one that’s gonna actually make a difference in people’s lives.

-Either we’re going to lead the world, or we’re going to bury our heads in the sand.

-You’re my brain trust. So how are we doing?

-What do you think, Stevie?

-I think it’s ours for the taking.

-You are working for the wrong man. I want you to work for us.

-Paul’s my friend.

-There’s only one thing I value in this world, and that’s loyalty.

-Without it you’re nothing.

-Do you want to work for the friend, or do you want to work for the President?

-I don’t have to play dirty anymore.

-I got Morris.

-Today marks the beginning of a fight between 2 sets of ideas.

-If we get Thompson’s endorsement, the race is over.

-What does he want?

-Cabinet post.

-I’m never going to do it. I said I wasn’t going to make those kinds of deals.

-Paul, I know what Tom Duffy is.


-I just didn’t think he was…

-It doesn’t matter what you thought, it matters what you did, it matters what you didn’t do!

-I’m in. I’m coming to work for you.

-Revenge makes people unpredictable. I can’t have that.

-What if I had something else?

-Like what?

-Something big.

-The next president of the United States of America, Governor Mike Morris!

-You really want this story getting out?

-Dignity matters.

-You were off the campaign, but you thought it was important to fix things?

-Dignity matters. Our future depends on it.

-Stephen, don’t do this!

-I’ll do or say anything if I believe in it. But I have to believe in the cause.


shoot holes in・・・あらを見つける、欠点を見出す
bury one's head in the sand ・・・現実に立ち向かおうとしない、見て見ぬふりをする
play dirty・・・卑劣なことをする、ずるい手を使う
cabinet post・・・官僚ポスト

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