Pick Up!!


「50/50 フィフティ・フィフティ」の映画予告でリスニング

50/50 フィフティ・フィフティの映画予告で英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-I think you’re making a big, big mistake.


-Don’t do this.

-What are you talking about? You said you liked this idea.

-Come on, let’s just do it.

-Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

-What do you use these for?

-My body.

-A tumor?




-That doesn’t make any sense, though.I.. I mean, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. I recycle.

-How do you feel right now?

-Fine. Yeah, I, I can’t remember being so calm, in a long time.

-Would you describe what you’re feeling as a kind of numbness?

-No, I describe it as fine.

-You’re young. Young people beat cancer all the time.

-Every celebrity beats cancer. Tom Green, Dexter, Lance Armstrong, he keeps getting it.

-I’m moving in.

-No, Mom, no.

-I’m your mother, Adam.


-You want a macaroon?

-Oh, thanks, I’m alright.

-There’s weed in’em.

-You got a prescription for medicinal marijuana?

-No, I got a prescription.

-Well, what’s wrong with you?

-I have night blindness.

-We shouldn’t have done this.

-Yeah. Big mistake.

-Using you balls trimmer instead of going to a barber.

-Yeah. I never wash them ever.


-Hey, it’s Adam.

-Adam. What’s going on?

-Um, just probably having a nervous breakdown.

-What are your chances?

-He said 50/50.

-It’s not that bad. If you were a casino game, you’d have the best odds.

-That’s what everybody’s been saying,”You’ll feel better”, and “Don’t worry” and it’s all fine, and like, it’s not.

-You can’t change your situation, the only thing that you can change is how you choose to deal with it.

-Do you really think that a girl’s gonna go for me just because I have cancer?

-For the millionth time. Yes.

-It’s a great song.


-I have cancer.

-I was wrong. I was wrong. That was really cheesy. It was weird.

-It was weird like that. It’s not, it doesn’t sound cool.



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