Pick Up!!


「ワン・デイ 23年のラブストーリー」の映画予告でリスニング

ワン・デイ 23年のラブストーリーの映画予告で英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-When we were at university, I had a crush on you.

-We’re never actually met.

-Emma Morley.

-I’ll walk you home.

-Sorry, I’m not good at this.

-Maybe we could just be friends.


-On the day they met, Dexter and Emma never imagined…

-We will see each other again.

-I know we will.

-…how their lives would intersect over the next 20 years.

-I’m a disaster!

-I’m sure it’s not a complete disaster.

-Come on, everyone’s lost at 25.

-You’re not. Trendy TV producer, nice new flat.

-You need a holiday.

-I think we need some rules.


-I’m not taking any chances with our friendship.

-Separate bedrooms. No flirting. And absolutely no skinny dipping.


-Come on!

-Yeah, Emma and I are just good friends.

-Are you sure about that?

-Anyway, she’s not my type.

-Which is exactly why I like her.

-This summer, experience the lives of two people…for one day each year, on each anniversary, of the day they met.

-Do not go away! Who say cockroach TV is dead?

-The king of cockroach television.

-You’re the king it.

-I’m so much better when you’re around.

-I’m going to be one of those inspirational teachers

-Those who can, do, and those who can’t teach.

-And those who can’t teach can go to hell!

-I love you, Dexter.

-I just don’t like you anymore.

-I’m getting married.


-I miss you, Dex.

-I’m concerned about my future, it’s not quite what I was expecting.

-There’s a word for this…

-Ah, butch. What do you look like?

-A screwed up divorcee.

-I need to speak to someone.

-Not someone, you.

-She made you decent. And in return you made her so happy.

-Whatever happens tomorrow, we have today. I will always remember it.


crush on・・・~に一目ぼれする
skinny dipping・・・全裸水泳

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