Pick Up!!


「Partysaurus Rex」の短編映画でリスニング

Partysaurus Rexで英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

-Don’t get soap on the floor!

-Oh, Rex, you burst my bubble!


-What a buzzkill.

-Sorry, I…

-You’re what they call a party pooper.

-Party-pooper Rex!

-Party-pooper Rex!

-Party-pooper Rex!

-Bonnie, bath time!

-Can I bring a toy?

-I ain’t no bath toy!

-Bath time! Rex will be perfect for the search party.

-Captain’s log. Received a distress signal but no sign of..

-Survivors! Son, squeak to me.

-Save yourself!



-More torpedoes!

-No! I just wanna have tea with you!

-OK, trouble, there’s way too much water in here.


-You wanna flood the house?


-How about doing it at Grandma’s instead?


-Welcome aboard.

-Yeah, baby!

-You were way scarier than the last sea monster. No offence, Cuddles.

-No problem.

-Ha! What do they call you, sailor?

-Well, my friends call me…

-Party-pooper Rex!


-Partysaurus Rex!

-You’re in the right place, baby, cos when the water’s high, the party’s fly.

-Aye aye!

-My lobster.

-Till tomorrow, my love.

-And…when bath time’s done?

-There’s no more fun.

-We need water to move.

-Bath time in only 15 minutes a day.

-We could party all the time if we could turn the water on ourselves.

-Aye. But no one’s got arms here, except for Barbara.

-How we doing, Babs?

-Weeks, months.

-Scrubbing’s been light, Cap’n.

-Oh, man, I wish we could get the party started up in here.

-No more tears.

-Well, I’ve got arms.

-I could get this party started up here.

-Without Bonnie?

-Huh? Alright?

-Shiver me timbers.

-No way!-Yeah, Rex, that’s it, baby.

-Let’s pump this party!

-Partysaurus, you rock!

-Aye aye, matey!

-Check me out. Oh, yeah!

-Thank ye, T-Rex!

-Huh? Wow!


-Rex, how about a little more bubbly?

-More? No, no, no, no.


-I mean, why have a little when you could have a lot?


-He’s really got a party up in here.


-Can you get some of us in?

-Are you crazy? There's...


-Some of you? Why not all of you?


-Yeah, baby!

-All hands on deck!


-My lobster!

-Aye! Ha-ha!

-What's that racket?

-Oh, what?

-The overflow drain?

-Huh? No problem!

-Hey, what...

-Whoa. This dude really knows how to party. Seriously...

-He blocked the drain.

-We will overflow!


-Thanks, Partysaurus!

-Partysaurus doesn't worry about too much soap and the tub overflow...

-Overflow? We'll flood the house!

-We're crossin' the scum line! Whoo-hoo!


-Too much water, everybody.

-The floaters have all the fun.

-What up, fishes?

-He turned it up!


-No! Too much water!


-Sir, this party is out of control.

-I know...

-Out of control!

-Oh, man.

-Oh! You gotta be kidding me.

-Phew! That was close.

-It's a perfect storm!

-What are you doing? My tail!

-No, not the... Whoa!



-All hail the Partysaurus Rex!

-We're going to overflow!

-We're going over the top, baby!

-Secure the rigging!

-Man overboard!

-Yeah, it's been a while.

-Rex, are you OK in th...

-I don't know what happened.

-You guys missed it. I was a Partysaurus.

-Party? You?

-I'll believe it when I see it.

-Psst! Partysaurus, we hear what you done to the bath toys.

-Can you hook us up, man?

-Rex, Rex, Rex, Rex, Rex, Rex, Rex, Rex,!

-Duty calls.

-Yeah, man!


単語まとめ burst・・・破裂、爆発
bath toy・・・風呂用のおもちゃ
search party・・・捜索隊
distress signal・・・遭難信号
cos = because
shive me timbers・・・何てということだ
hook ~ up・・・~を紹介してよ
duty call・・・義理で行う訪問

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