-Hoist the flag!
-Let’s fill these chests with sparkling booty!
-He’s not the greatest pirate captain.
-I’m here for your gold.
-Afraid we don't have any gold, old man. This is a leper boat. See?
-And they’re not the finest crew.
-But this is their big chance…
-Pirate of the year award?
-Every time I’ve entered, I failed to win. So, I must have a really good chance this time.
-…to turn it all around.
-You’re a shoe-in sir.
-There’s not a pirate on the seven seas can match ya.
-That’s trophy’s got my name on it.
-She doesn’t even have a beard!
-You wanna be Pirate of the Year?
-Do they just give it to the guy with the fattest parrot?
-She’s not fat! She’s just big-boned.
-She’s fat, dude.
-Oh. Come on.
-I hate pirates!
-What pirates?
-Nobody here but us girl scouts.
-I want them sunk!
-We laugh in the face of danger.
-I don’t. I don’t really like danger at all.
-Fire those things that go bang!
-Abandon ship!
-I can practically taste that trophy.
-You can’t lose, captain!
-You’re the best crew a captain can wish for.
-I’m using crew, in the street sense.
-Let’s fill these chests with sparkling booty!
-He’s not the greatest pirate captain.
-I’m here for your gold.
-Afraid we don't have any gold, old man. This is a leper boat. See?
-And they’re not the finest crew.
-But this is their big chance…
-Pirate of the year award?
-Every time I’ve entered, I failed to win. So, I must have a really good chance this time.
-…to turn it all around.
-You’re a shoe-in sir.
-There’s not a pirate on the seven seas can match ya.
-That’s trophy’s got my name on it.
-She doesn’t even have a beard!
-You wanna be Pirate of the Year?
-Do they just give it to the guy with the fattest parrot?
-She’s not fat! She’s just big-boned.
-She’s fat, dude.
-Oh. Come on.
-I hate pirates!
-What pirates?
-Nobody here but us girl scouts.
-I want them sunk!
-We laugh in the face of danger.
-I don’t. I don’t really like danger at all.
-Fire those things that go bang!
-Abandon ship!
-I can practically taste that trophy.
-You can’t lose, captain!
-You’re the best crew a captain can wish for.
-I’m using crew, in the street sense.
hoist a flag・・・旗を上げる
all around・・・あらゆる点で
shoe-in = shoo-in・・・確実な勝利
ya = you
name on it・・・名前が書いてある
girl scout・・・ガールスカウト
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