-Another corporate figure has been targeted by eco-activist group “The East”
-We need someone to get inside “The East”.
-Who would you choose?
-Me. I’m unexpected. Being unexpected is the only advantage that matters.
-Robert McCabe called me himself. In one month's time, I wanna know the identities of every person who poisoned his company.
-I’m looking for “The East” tag.
-I heard “The East” doesn’t exist.
-Who is she?
-Welcome to “The East”, Sarah. They have something planned for us.
-When it comes to breaking the law, most people can’t handle it.
-I can do it.
-Let’s go. Let’s go!
-This group is committed and they’re ahead of us.
-An eye for an eye. Can’t be more, can’t be less.
-There are consequences.
-Getting attached to them is alright but do not get soft.
-If they find out who you are they won’t give a second thought to your destruction.
-I can’t keep going like this.
-It would be easier if we didn’t feel the need to fight. If we just let go.
-What’s the potential damage?
-What did you expect? That it was gonna be painless?
-You’re gonna stay calm, you’re gonna hold your car.
-We need someone to get inside “The East”.
-Who would you choose?
-Me. I’m unexpected. Being unexpected is the only advantage that matters.
-Robert McCabe called me himself. In one month's time, I wanna know the identities of every person who poisoned his company.
-I’m looking for “The East” tag.
-I heard “The East” doesn’t exist.
-Who is she?
-Welcome to “The East”, Sarah. They have something planned for us.
-When it comes to breaking the law, most people can’t handle it.
-I can do it.
-Let’s go. Let’s go!
-This group is committed and they’re ahead of us.
-An eye for an eye. Can’t be more, can’t be less.
-There are consequences.
-Getting attached to them is alright but do not get soft.
-If they find out who you are they won’t give a second thought to your destruction.
-I can’t keep going like this.
-It would be easier if we didn’t feel the need to fight. If we just let go.
-What’s the potential damage?
-What did you expect? That it was gonna be painless?
-You’re gonna stay calm, you’re gonna hold your car.

have something planned for・・・~の予定が入っている
when it comes to・・・~に関して言えば
ahead of・・・~より優位に
eye for an eye・・・目には目を
get attached to・・・~に執着する、~にこだわる
give a second thought to・・・~について再考する
potential damage・・・潜在被害
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