-Best week ever planned. James Franco’s having a giant party!
-This place is beautiful, man!
-This place is like a piece of me. You two just stepped inside me.
-You let us both come inside you, yeah!
-Thanks James Franco.
-Have you seen Michael Cera tonight?
-Can’t believe people still invite him places.
-Don’t touch my butt, bitch!
-Weird face.
-So hot.
-What the?
-Seth! C’mon get out!
-It’s too late for you, you’re already in the hole!
-Damn it! Get off me!
-..urging people to stay in their homes right now…
-For all we know the Lakers could have just won, and that’s the reason all this is happening.
-I think it’s the Apocalypse, it’s all in here.
-And he opened the bottomless pit
-Every single time I turn on the news, sinkhoke in South America, a bunch of South Americans getting sucked into the ground.
-Sinkhole deniers!
-We should just stay here, fortify this bitch, take an inventory of all the food we have.
-We got 12 water, 56 beers, Nutella, CT Crunch, a Milky Way?
-Can I have the Milky Way?
-No, you can’t have that Milky Way. It’s my special food, I like it!
-I want some of the Milky Way.
-I’ll be pretty bummed if I don’t at least get a bite of the Milky Way.
-What the hell!
-Oh my God!
-Emma Watson showed up!
-Give me everything you have to drink!
-There’s 6 of us, you cannot rob us!
-Hermione just stole all of our….
-Best week ever planned. James Franco’s having a giant party!
-This place is beautiful, man!
-This place is like a piece of me. You two just stepped inside me.
-You let us both come inside you, yeah!
-Thanks James Franco.
-Have you seen Michael Cera tonight?
-Can’t believe people still invite him places.
-Don’t touch my butt, bitch!
-Weird face.
-So hot.
-What the?
-Seth! C’mon get out!
-It’s too late for you, you’re already in the hole!
-Damn it! Get off me!
-..urging people to stay in their homes right now…
-For all we know the Lakers could have just won, and that’s the reason all this is happening.
-I think it’s the Apocalypse, it’s all in here.
-And he opened the bottomless pit
-Every single time I turn on the news, sinkhoke in South America, a bunch of South Americans getting sucked into the ground.
-Sinkhole deniers!
-We should just stay here, fortify this bitch, take an inventory of all the food we have.
-We got 12 water, 56 beers, Nutella, CT Crunch, a Milky Way?
-Can I have the Milky Way?
-No, you can’t have that Milky Way. It’s my special food, I like it!
-I want some of the Milky Way.
-I’ll be pretty bummed if I don’t at least get a bite of the Milky Way.
-What the hell!
-Oh my God!
-Emma Watson showed up!
-Give me everything you have to drink!
-There’s 6 of us, you cannot rob us!
-Hermione just stole all of our….

piece of・・・~の一部
bottomless pit・・・底なしの穴
bunch of・・・たくさんの
get sucked into・・・~に吸い込まれる
take an inventory・・・在庫調べをする
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