-I defy you to crush this chorus and not get psyched out of your mind.
-The Chronoshock 13.
-They didn’t tell you did they? Your company is closed.
-You closed the company?
-Everything’s computerised now.
-People have a deep mistrust of machines. Have you seen “Terminator? Or 2? Or 3? Or4?”
-I got it! Google.
-You got us a job at Google?
-Not a job-job, it’s an interview for an internship that could lead to a job…
-Nick, this might be the last chance that we got.
-You gotta come in closer so they'll be able to see us.
-No, they can see us
-See how small the webcam is? Let's get cheek to cheek.
-We can see you guys.
-Okay, great!
-You got us?
-Hi! My name is Billy!
-We can hear you fine as well.
-Oh great!
-Welcome to Google! This will not be your average internship.
-We’re looking at some sort of mental Hunger Games against a bunch of genius kids for just like a handful of jobs.
-That’s a sharpie, by the way, genius.
-That’s my fault.
-I'm Lyle one of the team manager. Pound me!
-Oh, normally just the putting the fist up without the words is all that’s necessary!
-C’mon bro, fist me, get up in there!
-That’s definitely not right.
-You’re interns? Shut up!
-You’re so old though, I thought you were important.
-Sometimes the longshots pay off the biggest.
-My teams a joke. Gotta start believing!
-This reminds me of a little girl from a steel town who had the dream to dance…
-She had to strip down to nothing, she had to sit in that chair and arch her back and she reached up and pulled that chain to nowhere and doused herself with water!
-Flashdance? You’re talking about the movie from the ’80′s?
-You’re damn right I am
-Oh boy…
-We have rules! Red paddle indicates No, Green paddle Yes.
-Having a beer with your boss?
-You wanna grab a cold one with me, you let me know.
-I will not be grabbing a cold one with you.
-You get high?
-Your job? Find the bug.
-Why don’t the two of you guys right now go and find the programmer? His name is Charles Xavier.
-He’s a Professor at Stanford.
-He’s in a wheelchair
-Got it! Stanford, wheelchair.
-Charles Xavier?
-Very funny.
-Professor Xavier, we know that it’s you.
-You found me out. Cyclops, Rouge, we’re all here!
-Now I want to share some of my wisdom with you…
-Professor Xavier’s a total!
-The Chronoshock 13.
-They didn’t tell you did they? Your company is closed.
-You closed the company?
-Everything’s computerised now.
-People have a deep mistrust of machines. Have you seen “Terminator? Or 2? Or 3? Or4?”
-I got it! Google.
-You got us a job at Google?
-Not a job-job, it’s an interview for an internship that could lead to a job…
-Nick, this might be the last chance that we got.
-You gotta come in closer so they'll be able to see us.
-No, they can see us
-See how small the webcam is? Let's get cheek to cheek.
-We can see you guys.
-Okay, great!
-You got us?
-Hi! My name is Billy!
-We can hear you fine as well.
-Oh great!
-Welcome to Google! This will not be your average internship.
-We’re looking at some sort of mental Hunger Games against a bunch of genius kids for just like a handful of jobs.
-That’s a sharpie, by the way, genius.
-That’s my fault.
-I'm Lyle one of the team manager. Pound me!
-Oh, normally just the putting the fist up without the words is all that’s necessary!
-C’mon bro, fist me, get up in there!
-That’s definitely not right.
-You’re interns? Shut up!
-You’re so old though, I thought you were important.
-Sometimes the longshots pay off the biggest.
-My teams a joke. Gotta start believing!
-This reminds me of a little girl from a steel town who had the dream to dance…
-She had to strip down to nothing, she had to sit in that chair and arch her back and she reached up and pulled that chain to nowhere and doused herself with water!
-Flashdance? You’re talking about the movie from the ’80′s?
-You’re damn right I am
-Oh boy…
-We have rules! Red paddle indicates No, Green paddle Yes.
-Having a beer with your boss?
-You wanna grab a cold one with me, you let me know.
-I will not be grabbing a cold one with you.
-You get high?
-Your job? Find the bug.
-Why don’t the two of you guys right now go and find the programmer? His name is Charles Xavier.
-He’s a Professor at Stanford.
-He’s in a wheelchair
-Got it! Stanford, wheelchair.
-Charles Xavier?
-Very funny.
-Professor Xavier, we know that it’s you.
-You found me out. Cyclops, Rouge, we’re all here!
-Now I want to share some of my wisdom with you…
-Professor Xavier’s a total!

get psyched・・・気合を入れる、頑張る
deep mistrust・・・深い不信感
cheek to cheek・・・頬と頬を寄せ合って
look at・・・~に目を向ける
bunch of・・・たくさんの
handful of・・・わずかの、少数の
My fault・・・私のせいです
reminds me of・・・~を思い起こさせる
steel town・・・オンタリオ州ハミルトンの愛称
strip down・・・服を脱ぐ
arch one's back・・・背中を丸くする
reach up・・・背伸びをする
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