-I wanna ask you what part of the country you come from.
-I originate from Canada.
-Now guess where that is.
-Oh, I know where Canada is. I’ve been there myself.
-Well traveled for a slave.
-Solomon Northrup is an expert player on the violin.
-I was born a free man.
-I lived with my family in New York.
-Be good for your mother.
-Till the day I was deceived.
-To Solomon.
-Kidnapped, sold into slavery.
-Well boy. How you feel now?
-My name is Solomon Northrup. I’m a free man.
-and you have no right whatsoever to detain me.
-You are not a free man. You’re nothin’ but a forger runaway.
-A man servant, that don’t obey his lord, shall be beaten with many stripes.
-That’s scripture.
-The condition of your laborers is all wrong.
-They’re my property.
-You say that with pride.
-I say it as fact.
-Man does how he pleases, with his property.
-You come here.
-I said come here!
-Days ago I was with my family, and my home – now you tell me all that’s lost?
-If you want to survive, do and say as little as possible.
-But I don’t want to survive. I want to live.
-I thought you knowed somethin’!
-I did as I was instructed. There’s something wrong with the instruction.
-Master brought you here to work. Any more will earn you 100 lashes.
-I know what its like to be the object of master’s lash.
-But in his own time, the good Lord will manage them all.
-I will survive! I will not fall into despair!
-I will keep myself hardy until freedom’s opportunity.
-I was a free man.
-I originate from Canada.
-Now guess where that is.
-Oh, I know where Canada is. I’ve been there myself.
-Well traveled for a slave.
-Solomon Northrup is an expert player on the violin.
-I was born a free man.
-I lived with my family in New York.
-Be good for your mother.
-Till the day I was deceived.
-To Solomon.
-Kidnapped, sold into slavery.
-Well boy. How you feel now?
-My name is Solomon Northrup. I’m a free man.
-and you have no right whatsoever to detain me.
-You are not a free man. You’re nothin’ but a forger runaway.
-A man servant, that don’t obey his lord, shall be beaten with many stripes.
-That’s scripture.
-The condition of your laborers is all wrong.
-They’re my property.
-You say that with pride.
-I say it as fact.
-Man does how he pleases, with his property.
-You come here.
-I said come here!
-Days ago I was with my family, and my home – now you tell me all that’s lost?
-If you want to survive, do and say as little as possible.
-But I don’t want to survive. I want to live.
-I thought you knowed somethin’!
-I did as I was instructed. There’s something wrong with the instruction.
-Master brought you here to work. Any more will earn you 100 lashes.
-I know what its like to be the object of master’s lash.
-But in his own time, the good Lord will manage them all.
-I will survive! I will not fall into despair!
-I will keep myself hardy until freedom’s opportunity.
-I was a free man.

originate from・・・~の出身である
free man・・・自由人、自由の身、奴隷でない人
sold into・・・~として売られる
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