-What I'm about to tell you sounds crazy, but you have to listen to me.
-Your very lives depend on it.
-You see this isn't the first time that we've had this conversation.
-What day is it?
-Judgment day. You just came in with the fresh recruits.
-The invasion will fail along with every soldier you are sending.
-We lose everything.
-Come find me when you wake up!
- You do know what's happening to me.
- What happened to you happened to me.
-You hijacked their power.
-I need your help.
-With what, exactly?
-Winning the war.
-We can do this. Just come here every day and I'll train you.
-No matter what I do, this is far as you go.
-Why does it matter what happens to me?
-I'm not a soldier.
-Of course you're not. You're weapon.
-Your very lives depend on it.
-You see this isn't the first time that we've had this conversation.
-What day is it?
-Judgment day. You just came in with the fresh recruits.
-The invasion will fail along with every soldier you are sending.
-We lose everything.
-Come find me when you wake up!
- You do know what's happening to me.
- What happened to you happened to me.
-You hijacked their power.
-I need your help.
-With what, exactly?
-Winning the war.
-We can do this. Just come here every day and I'll train you.
-No matter what I do, this is far as you go.
-Why does it matter what happens to me?
-I'm not a soldier.
-Of course you're not. You're weapon.

fresh recruit・・・新人、新兵
far as you go・・・あなたの行ける限界
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