-There’s a lie that all drivers tell themselves…
-Death is something that happens to other people.
-What kind of person does a job like this...
-Each year two of us die.
-James can be a loose cannon.
-Niki’s a genius at setting up the cars.
-I accept every time I get in my car there’s 20% chance I can die.
-Being driven around at 170 mph per hour, this thing’s a bomb on wheels.
-I’m quicker than all of you.
-Then let’s race!
-I feel responsible for what happened.
-You were…
-And trust me, watching you win all those races…
-You were equally responsible for getting me back in the car.
-I’m World Champion, on the verge to becoming World Champion again.
-I can beat this guy, trust me.
-It’s a wonderful way to live…
-It’s the only way to drive…
-The closer you are to death…
-The more alive you feel.
-Death is something that happens to other people.
-What kind of person does a job like this...
-Each year two of us die.
-James can be a loose cannon.
-Niki’s a genius at setting up the cars.
-I accept every time I get in my car there’s 20% chance I can die.
-Being driven around at 170 mph per hour, this thing’s a bomb on wheels.
-I’m quicker than all of you.
-Then let’s race!
-I feel responsible for what happened.
-You were…
-And trust me, watching you win all those races…
-You were equally responsible for getting me back in the car.
-I’m World Champion, on the verge to becoming World Champion again.
-I can beat this guy, trust me.
-It’s a wonderful way to live…
-It’s the only way to drive…
-The closer you are to death…
-The more alive you feel.
loose cannon・・・危険人物
get in・・・(車などに)乗り込む
on the verge of・・・今にも~しようとして、~が目前である
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