Pick Up!!


「ディクテーター 身元不明でニューヨーク 」の映画予告でリスニング

ディクテーター 身元不明でニューヨークで英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-For over 4 decades, the people have lived under the rule of a tyrant, who denies them their most basic human rights.

-The time has come, for him to step aside.

-We must keep on with the NATO mission, and bring him to justice.

-I am for free press, fair elections, and equal rights for women – Pffff – I can’t say that.

-On your mark. Get set.

-Supreme leader, the United Nations demands that you come to New York, and address them.

-We are going to America.

-Admiral General, welcome to New York City.

-And while you’re here, I highly recommend a visit to the Empire State building.

-Before you, or one of your cousins, takes it down.

-Rise and shine.

-Nobody’s gonna recognize you.


-…without this.


-Is there any way you could lend me a some money?

-Maybe 20 million dollars?

-I’m here to deliver my speech to the United Nations.

-Look, it’s too hot for crazy.


-Come on! Come with me!

-Could you please take your hands off my breasts?

-Those are breasts?

-I thought you were a boy?

-I accept your job offer as general manager.

-We’ll you can’t be the manager, because I’m the manager.

-Well, I can if I kill you.

-Okay, well.

-Hey, can you take out the garbage?

-Stop that.

-Shut up, loser.


-Hey, hairnet. Kinda need you to hurry up. Chop chop.



-This is the plan. We’re just two or ordinary American tourists.

-I love being an American.



step aside・・・退任する、引退する
free press・・・自由出版物
fair election・・・公正な選挙
on your mark・・・位置について、スタート
get set・・・用意する、身支度する
supreme leader・・・最高指導者
take out garbage・・・ゴミを出す

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